
Tag Archives: emotion

There is something quite mystical and emotive about this YouTube channel; there’s a lot of music that can help sooth and relax you. It’s also a good channel to discover new artists that you won’t have heard of. Since this is my favourite YouTube channel for music, I thought I would share it with everybody.

Enjoy! And if you have any YouTube channels for me to check out, please comment 🙂

p.s. follow me on Twitter @ChazB

As you probably all know, I have been doing the Day Zero Project as a way for me to complete goals and challenge myself in many ways possible.

After 5 months or so of not updating it, I thought I would make one post to say that I have! I usually make a post about the ones that I have completed but this time I’m going to tell everybody to find them for yourself and see how many I have completed. I have about 18 months to go to complete the rest of them :-).

I would encourage everybody to do the Day Zero Project!

Wow!! I can’t believe I’ve been away from here for such a long time! I apologise to everybody who was expecting something consistent from me from my last post. Although, I do admit, my posts back then were more about the achievements I had made and not really an insight into my life. 

So let me tell you guys what I’ve been up to during my time away: 

I’ve just finished my 3rd year of University, passed all of my coursework so I can do my final year, and I have been starting to travel a lot more with my filming and dancing! I have been to Belgium twice, London twice, and Spain over the last 5 months filming what I love most. 

My plans for the rest of the year is to develop myself as a dancer and videographer and try and build as many connections as I can. The next few posts will be of some work of mine –  that I hope everybody will like! 

But please tell me if there is a post that you’d like to see from me! 🙂

Welcome to 2013! I hope everybody had a great Christmas and a great New Years party – or any equivalent.

This is always a time of year where we reflect on the year that came before and if we feel it was a success or not. Everybody does it, I do it too, there’s nothing wrong with reflecting back.

At this time people will start to think how they could make their life better and they’ll want to achieve goals for the end of that year. That’s your Resolutions. Everybody has resolutions that they want to achieve.

What is unfortunate, especially at this time of year, is when people give up on their goals because they feel it’s taking a long time or get into another habit that stops them from completing their goal or for many other reasons. It’s important to understand that not all goals can be achieved overnight and they take a lot of dedication and time!

Take each task one at a time, don’t be too worried about trying to complete everything at the one time. Enjoy the experience of changing your life!

I don’t have that many new resolutions, but the rest of them are on my Life List.

Hope 2013 is very prosperous for you! 🙂


This post is more about time consuming, or in other words why we put so much effort and energy into some things when we know that they are not going to turn out any different.

I’m not saying to not put any attention towards stuff but what I am saying is know where your energy will go. You can say this for friendships; if you want to keep in touch with someone that doesn’t want to keep in touch with you then no point in wasting energy over it. If you realise early on that you’re wasting energy on something/someone then at least you found out then rather than later.

Don’t let this take away from dedication or passion as this is not what I’m trying to say. If you’re passionate about a cause then you’ll do your utmost to make sure that you see it change. I guess what I’m talking about are things that are more trivial, smaller things that we can control and habits that we get into.

Know what you’re getting yourself into and make sure you know what you’re doing! 🙂

Unfortunately, shit does happen to us. We think to ourselves that we’re good people and how did we deserve bad to happen to us but honestly sometimes things just happen that we don’t have control of. A lot of things happen that we don’t want to happen to us; a lot of things go wrong that we don’t want to go wrong; basically I’m saying that regardless of whether you’re a good person or a bad person there will be times that we wish for no shit to go the opposite way…and it does.

We have to stop thinking that we are in control of everything – we’re in control of only so much. If we worry about trying to control everything then we won’t be able to control much!

I guess it’s how we deal with it; making a big fuss about it can only lead to more trouble and feeling bad for longer. Realising that we don’t really have any power over what’s happening (if something does go wrong) we start to lose an emotional connection to that scenario. That can make us feel better!

Said by the wise words of Gasp: “Deal wae it!”


“The secret to happiness is knowing there are things that we can control, and things we cannot.”


I’ve been swamped with university work and it’s taken a lot of energy away from me. Finally I get around to doing this.

I’m going to keep this real short.

Basically this ties in with your attitude; if you’re attitude ain’t good then that can affect your beliefs and your mood throughout the day. If you switch your beliefs from a negative frame of mind, to a positive one, your attitude will be better and so will your mood. It’s kinda simple really if you think of it like that.

Wow, that was straight forward. Good/positive/optimistic beliefs can do you the world of good!

This is something that I can agree with half the time only because I really don’t like mornings. But I will speak about it like I agree with it right now since it actually does make sense.

Let’s take the focus away from doing it early in the day for a second, because I believe the underlying message is about procrastination. It’s obvious that when we procrastinate we are prolonging the time it takes to complete a task because we are not focused/concentrating. I do it so much; I even procrastinated while writing this!

I think what’s important to do is to try and change your rhythm and fight your habits! If you fight your habits and get your stuff done enough times it will become second nature to you. For those that procrastinate on Facebook all day you really need to get off and do something else. If you’re wanting something to take your mind off something, go away for 20 minutes and do a hobby or something so when you come back you’ll be refreshed in the head.

Gotta find a balance! If there’s something that really needs to be finished it’s always better to start it earlier rather than later. Usually this means that you have more time in the day to do whatever you want. It’s about that balance 🙂