My long absence and my deepest apologies

Wow!! I can’t believe I’ve been away from here for such a long time! I apologise to everybody who was expecting something consistent from me from my last post. Although, I do admit, my posts back then were more about the achievements I had made and not really an insight into my life. 

So let me tell you guys what I’ve been up to during my time away: 

I’ve just finished my 3rd year of University, passed all of my coursework so I can do my final year, and I have been starting to travel a lot more with my filming and dancing! I have been to Belgium twice, London twice, and Spain over the last 5 months filming what I love most. 

My plans for the rest of the year is to develop myself as a dancer and videographer and try and build as many connections as I can. The next few posts will be of some work of mine –  that I hope everybody will like! 

But please tell me if there is a post that you’d like to see from me! 🙂

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