
Recent Videos

This is a recent video that I filmed with one of Scotland’s top rappers – Loki.

An intelligent wordsmith is only touching the surface when it comes to describing this man’s lyrical ability. This is the music video to show everybody that he’s back from whatever slump he was in before. It was a big responsibility for me given that this is his return, but the privilege is mine!

Hope you enjoy it and share ๐Ÿ™‚

Beautiful! I know it is a 1yr old video but I just came across it for the first time today. It has a very powerful message about love and connecting with another human being, maybe escalating to a relationship. This is coming from Ryan Woodard who has done animation for Space Jam, Cowboys and Aliens, Spiderman and such.

Here’s a link to an article, which I read and would recommend.

I couldn’t believe that this is only the promo!! To my knowledge it’s a small video on the lead up to a big event on January 5th 2013 in Peoria, ย USA!

I really like how beautifully presented the video is. It draws you into the situation, it’s very emotive. I don’t really have anything else to say about the video, it’s all there. Check it out ๐Ÿ™‚

“This video has been made purely from my thoughts and experiences on how I have managed to gain control over my speech problem! Having suffered from a stutter for 14 years I have had my ups and downs (still do); having tried various techniques out, these are the ones that I feel are most congruent and have had the most contribution to my improvements.

Having researched different opinions on stuttering/stammering, I have yet to see a video that goes into detail about how one can manage toย reclaimย their speech through relaxation and re-framing your thoughts. So many videos try to tell you to not worry about others, but don’t provide a practical or logical solution to the physical problem of someone’s stutter/stammer.ย 

I hope that this video opens some people’s minds to stuttering, and that by feeling relaxed by: Breathing, slowing down your speech, and re-framing your thoughts to a more positive outcome…we gain more control of our stutter and there are less chances of our stuttering being a problem. “


I don’t normally tell people I stutter, unless they bring it up. I feel that if I bring it up it can change the dynamics of the relationship. I’ve wanted to make a video like this for a long time, but never had the courage to make this video. A lot of people I speak to don’t think I stutter, so they’ll wonder why I’m making this video. But for those that know me really well, they’ll know I have/had a problem.

Please share this with people you know that suffer from a stutter/stammer. The methods explained in the video have helped me so much and I want to share these techniques – I want to share the advice I’m giving to everyone!

Last weekend I was in St. Helens, near Livepool, to film a dance event (post will come soon). While I was there I got the chance to chill with a well-known dancer called Tawfiq, from Holland!

This was a tutorial he made for me, so I could upload it to and show something different to the world.

Don’t worry, I’m not expecting everyone here to actually know how to do this. I assume most of my blog followers are enthusiasts of dance now, and don’t dance to this level, I forgive you all! ๐Ÿ™‚